Alphabetical Listing of Elements to Diagram
A action verbs, adjectives, adjective clauses , adverbs, adverb clauses, appositive phrases, appositives
C clauses, commands, complex sentences, compound sentences, compound-complex sentences, conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions
D declarative sentences, dependent clauses, determiners, direct objects, direct quotations
E elliptical clauses, exclamatory sentences
G gerund complement, gerunds, gerund phrases
H helping verbs
I imperative sentences, independent clauses, indirect objects, infinitive complement, infinitive phrases, infinitives, interjections, interrogative sentences, intransitive verbs, introductory words
L linking verbs
M main clauses
N negatives, noun clauses, nouns, nouns of direct address
O object of the preposition, objective complements
P participial phrases, participles, participle complements, parts of speech, predicate adjectives, predicate nouns, prepositions, prepositional phrases, pronouns
Q quotations, questions
S simple sentence, statements, subjects, subject of infinitives, subordinate clauses, subordinating conjunctions
T transitive verbs
U understood "you"
V verbs, verb phrases, verbals