August 30

WEEK Two: Day Five

Unit Theme:

Transition from grammar and mechanics to syntax to paragraphs

Unit Essential Question:

How can you correct any errors so that they do not distract the reader from your ideas?

Essential Skills or Concepts:

Editing the written assignment for clarity of subject, purpose, and effect

Mini-Lesson Outline:

A. The teacher will review the homework study with students and have them demonstrate individual understanding through the following:

  • Decide the means of discourse: exposition, narration, persuasion, description.
  • Develop plot, conflict, and resolution for creative versions of the fairytales.
  • Experiment with 1st and 3rd person, and then decide the best one for the story.
  • Establish setting and characters.
  • Use sensory detail.
  • Use effective time/order transitions.
  • Write with a variety of tones, moods, voices.
  • Parameters:
  1. Do not skip any steps of the pre-writing process.
  2. Be original. Add a twist. Create interest.
  3. Use dialogue if the student likes. Check pages 755 and 756 in the grammar text.
  4. Use only characters that suit the setting and action.
  5. Do not use names or situations that are derogatory or demeaning to others.
  6. Employ formal or informal style.

B. The teacher will work with the class as a whole and as individuals in proofreading and editing the first draft.

Students will complete "Closer Look at My Writing" and the worksheet on the following: voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions.

C. For homework, students will prepare the formal draft according to the teacher's directions.