Unit Theme:
Beginnings of the American Literary Tradition:
Characteristics of American Literature during the Seventeenth Century
Purposes of Early American Writing
Unit Essential Question:
How did the earliest American writers view America?
How did the earliest American writers view the settler's difficulties in surviving a new land?
Essential Skill or Concept: Each student will
Read about Jonathan Edwards, in the text, on page 39 and two of this writings: "Sarah Pierrepont," pages 40, and "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," pages 41 - 43.
In a notebook, answer questions # 1 -2, under "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," on page 44.
Mini-Lesson Outline:
A. The teacher will present the following by means of the multimedia projector and background notes:
Overview of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and Puritanism
B. Students will read in the text about Jonathan Edwards (on page 39) and two of this writings: "Sarah Pierrepont" (page 40) and "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" (pages 41 - 43).C. In a notebook, students will answer questions # 1 - 2, under "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," on page 44.