October 18 through 22

WEEK Nine: Days Four and Five

Second Nine-Weeks Begins

WEEK Ten: Days One and Two (plus Staff Development Day)

Unit Theme:

Grammar and syntax comprehension enhances one's reading and writing ability.

Unit Essential Questions:

How can knowledge of the different parts of a sentence and different parts of speech improve our writing and speaking?

How can phrases give variety to sentence?

Essential Skills or Concepts:

Use various parts of the sentence - including phrases - and various parts of speech correctly in written and spoken language

Mini-Lesson Outline:

A. The teacher will review with students and have them demonstrate individual understanding through discussion/quiz:





direct object

object complement

indirect object

sentence patterns: S - V; S - V - DO; S - V - DO - OC; S - V - IO - DO



adverbs modifying verbs

adverbs modifying adjectives

adverbs modifying adverbs

comparative forms of adverbs

superlative forms of adverbs

diagramming as a tool to understanding function and relationship

parts of a sentence: subject and verb

complete subject and simple subject

complete predicate and simple predicate

compound subject and compound verb

simple sentence (classification)

declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, imperative sentence, exclamatory sentence (sentence type according to purpose of the writer)

coordinating conjunction

B. The teacher will have students practice exercises in their "Grammar Training Camp" handouts, "Phrases": prepositional phrases, appositive phrases, verbal phrases - infinitive, gerund, participial.

The teacher will work with students individually according to skill levels.

E. For homework, students will study the corrected forms in today's class presentations and know terms discussed in the class reviews. Students will continue edits and rewrites of the assigned critical analysis essay.